-GARS return to Shedd Aquarium!!!–

Solomon David‘s gars, to be exact!  I will keep updates coming on the newly added gars to the exhibits at the John G. Shedd Aquarium (Chicago), but here is a quick photo preview!  I am very excited to have several of the gars from my personal and research collection now on display at Shedd Aquarium!  Come and see them (and all the other fishes and aquatic life) in Chicago!–


-GAR-CON 2012 Preview…–

-Just a quick photographic preview of some of the things coming soon from “Gar-Con 2012” (International Network for Lepisosteid Research Conference 2012). Check out this tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) from the gar farm; much more to come!–


-Aquaculture of Tropical Gars in Mexico–

In anticipation of my upcoming trip to Villahermosa (Tabasco state, Mexico), here is a great video put together by colleagues at the tropical gar aquaculture farm (Otot-Ibam) highlighting their gar production. Great shots/sequences of gar development and the culture process. I’ll be presenting at the 4th International Meeting on Lepisosteid Research in mid-June, and we’ll get to tour the farm as well as participate in workshops.

Tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) Aquaculture